
A Magical Guide to Write Effective Product Titles On Amazon [2022 Edition]

A Magical Guide to Write Effective Products Title On Amazon [2022 Edition]

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Unable to get your product on the top list of Amazon Search List? Here’s what you are missing.


Do you know that around 95% of Amazon Products aren’t correctly listed? Most of the businesses on Amazon fail to apply the right tricks to their products. As a result, their research products do not rank on the top of the search list. 

Let us help you to understand how you can optimize your product title and related concepts. Have a look at what we’ll cover ahead:

  • What is the Amazon Product Title?
  • What Exactly to Focus on for Amazon Product Title?
  • Why is Product Title Important?
  • What are the Formatting Rules to Follow? 
  • Strategic Optimization Tips for Product Titles

Let’s dive in!

What is the Amazon Product Title?

The headline is the first thing we look at when we search for items or products on Amazon. It appears on the top of each product. That main heading is the ‘Product Title.’

It provides the description of the item that the user is searching for. If it matches users’ requirements, they may further dig deeper into it. Therefore, it is crucial to effectively make the product title so attractive that drives users to buy the product. 

Furthermore, you need to optimize the product title to attract the audience to click on them to explore your product. 

What Exactly to Focus on for Amazon Product Title?

There is an important aspect that you need to keep in mind about general formula guidelines. Interestingly, Amazon helps sellers to come up with great formulas as well. Here is the list of a few things that you should consider:

  • Company or Brand name.
  • Strategic Keywords.
  • Color/Variant/ Flavour.
  • Size, or Quality.

Having an expert team—Asinwiser— on your side will help you to navigate in the right direction. is a perfect solution that will help you to create your website and search engine optimization. Asinwiser’s team will navigate your business and guide you to target your potential audience with its all-in-one features such as product research, competitor research, profitability calculator, and so on. 

Why is Product Title Important?


Amazon has its own proprietary search algorithm, which is different from eBay or Google. Considering that factor, product title is highly important for sellers and buyers. Furthermore, optimizing product titles help in certain ways:

  • Higher Rank in the Amazon search bar.
  • Attracts more customers.
  • Increased conversions.
  • Products get more visibility, traffic, and sales.

What are the Formatting Rules to Follow? 

There are certain formatting rules that need to be followed for the product title. Here’s what you need to know:

Add these:

Here is the list that you should consider while writing for product titles:

  • If required then make sure to write ‘and’ in the title instead of an ampersand (&). However, if ampersand is a part of your brand then you can use it. 
  • Add numerals and avoid using numbers e.g. 8 instead of eight.
  • Consider taking help from title casing. You will get to know about capitalization with exceptions. 
  • Make sure units of measurement should be spelled. Avoid using the abbreviated form. 
  • Specify color and size for the products that are child ASIN variations. 

Avoid these:

Here is the list that you need to avoid while writing for product titles:

  • Do not capitalize prepositions, articles, and conjunctions. However, there are exceptions for prepositions(if the letters are more than 4).
  • Avoid subjective descriptions such as great or best. 
  • Do not use promotions or pricing in the product title. 
  • Avoid capitalizing all the words.

Strategic Optimization Tips for Product Titles

Following is the list of tips and tricks that you can use to optimize product titles. Check it out:

1. Descriptive Titles:

As Title is the first thing that users will see therefore it should leave an impression on them. It is important to make your product titles descriptive so that the audience could click on your listing. 

Moreover, titles should include all the valuable information, which generally users look for. Creating a descriptive title stands a high chance to attract visibility and leads. In addition, make sure to add about the brand, product description, or collection, color, quality, size. 

2. User Intent: 

Always focus on your target audience while optimizing your product title. These target audiences will click on our listings and buy your product. 

Furthermore, you need to research and explore your audience requirements. So that you can add them to your title. To target the right audience, think like them. 

3. Strategic Keywords: 

The most crucial part while optimizing your product title is using strategic and relevant keywords. Make sure to research the right keywords, potential clients, target audience, and more.  After detailed research, filter the best keywords that could attract more leads. 

Also, note that Amazon Keyword research is entirely different from Google keyword research. Moreover, you can use tools such as Sonar for keywords and Amazon’s predicted search as well. 

4. Avoid Redundancy: 

While writing for the product title, make sure to avoid any fluffy or redundant information. As Amazon’s product character word limit is only 200. Therefore, you need to make sure to make every single word count. 

So, avoid using words like great, best, No.1, and more. Also, avoid making the title promotional as it will backfire and your product will not rank. Lastly, make sure to keep your product title simple and effective. 

All in All

Amazon is an excellent platform for growing your business and attracting customers from all around the world. But, it is highly important to learn all the tactics to rank your product on the top of the Amazon search bar. 

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Follow the above-mentioned techniques of optimizing your product title and see the magic happening for your online business. Start implementing these tips and tricks today. Happy Business!

We hope this article will help you to figure out— how to write effective product titles on Amazon— that will work the best for your business. To make your business a huge success, get in touch with the Asinwiser team today!

Good Luck!