
Tasks that Amazon virtual assistant will perform for you

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The eCommerce industry is not the same as it was a decade back. With rapid changes in technology, a different set of demands has been observed in the retailer arbitrage and reseller.  Every seller wants to make a profit but doesn’t know how to make money on Amazon even after employing every technique. 

As we look into the current circumstances, Amazon Virtual Assistant has surfaced as one of the perfect solutions to sellers’ miseries. 

Read on to know about what tasks that Amazon virtual assistant will perform for you.

Let’s dive in!

1. Administrative Tasks

A virtual assistant can assist you with hundreds of tiresome daily tasks that are not only time-consuming but also withdraw your focus from your task. These organizational tasks involve bookkeeping, scheduling appointments, research and data entry, maintaining your customer data, and other similar jobs.

2. Customer Service

Good customer service and support are all your business needs. These two play a significant role in making your business a success. We all know Amazon’s high aspirations to be the top-notch customer service provider company worldwide. They designed policies and regulations in a manner that makes shopping easy, smooth for customers. That’s what they expect from their sellers too to do the same. That’s why Virtual assistant services are a need of the hour. The virtual assistant can take care of customer inquiries, comment on reviews, confirm and cancel FBM orders, and manage refunds.

3. Product Research 

Suppose you don’t have a product idea yet and desire to find profitable niches and product types. In that case, you will require comprehensive, thorough market research and analysis. That’s what a good virtual assistant can do for you, including overall market research, opening analysis, customer profile research, and analysis.

4. Product Sourcing

 If you don’t have a supplier yet or are struggling to find one, then you should have an Amazon virtual assistant. Amazon virtual assistants take care of supplier research and outreach, bidding and consolidating samples,  order contracts, and taking care of invoice payment.

5. Other Tasks

Virtual assistants can handle simple day-to-day tasks such as copywriting, photography, graphic and storefront design for your Amazon listings, or EBC/A+ content creation. Accordingly, you can select tasks to assign to a virtual assistant and get the job done easily.

6. Amazon PPC  

Accurate planning and management of Amazon PPC advertising campaigns are extremely significant to ensure that you are funding your marketing budget wisely. To save some money, you can outsource the different advertising tasks to an experienced Amazon virtual assistant. An Amazon Virtual assistant can set up, optimize, and monitor ad campaigns, as well as analyzing results and creating reports. You can also use the assistant for different marketing tasks.

7. SEO Management

SEO for Amazon is equally important as it is for any website. But some sellers struggle to get their desired SEO spot. Don’t worry, virtual assistants can assist you to improve the rankings of listings on the search results pages on Amazon and score good rankings by working on search engine optimization. Because an SEO virtual assistant can perform keyword research for you, optimize your listings and monitor your sales rank.

8. Logistics and Inventory Management

Nonetheless you use your warehouse or a  fulfilment centre, or are part of the FBA program, logistics and inventory management is important for you. It’s a time-consuming task which you easily do by using Amazon virtual assistants. Amazon virtual assistants will govern your logistics management, including order fulfilment and tracking, monitoring inventory, creating shipping labels, shipping FBA units, and tracking shipments.

Final Takeaway

 If you want to grow or expand your brand then you should hire a virtual assistant.  Hiring a virtual assistant will take off the major burden from your shoulders as it performs various roles as per your needs.


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